We accept all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
Yes, we offer discounted pricing for annual subscriptions. By opting for an annual payment plan, you can enjoy significant savings compared to our monthly subscription rates. Take advantage of our Early Bird pricing and save even more on your website builder subscription.
We strive to provide a seamless and satisfactory experience for all our users. If you're not completely satisfied with your plan, please contact our support team within 14 days of your purchase and we'll be happy to assist you with a refund, no questions asked.
No, there are no hidden fees associated with our pricing plans. However, please note that depending on your location, additional taxes such as VAT or GST will be applied to your plan purchase. The tax relevant to your country will be displayed in your shopping cart at the time of purchase. We believe in transparency and honesty in our pricing structure.
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. There are no long-term commitments or contracts required. Simply log in to your account, navigate to the billing section and follow the prompts to cancel your subscription.
If you cancel your subscription, your website will remain active until the end of your current billing period. After that, your website will be suspended, but you will still have access to our website builder tools and features. You will have to create another subscription if you want to republish your website.
Yes, customer support is included with all our plans. Whether you have questions about pricing, technical issues, or need assistance with website creation, our expert support team is available 24/7 to provide prompt and helpful assistance.
Yes, you can create your account and your website for free, using our templates, creating content and pages. You pay only when you are ready to publish.
No, our team of developers is working on the eCommerce feature and it will soon be available. Currently, it's listed only for informational purposes. When available, you will be able to seamlessly upgrade your website to an eCommerce shop.